

I didn’t have any dreams

just like my lyrics, every day in that way

the functions and equations that couldn’t
give me an answer

in the end those things became uncountable injuries

with that light, make it so I can see the stars
hidden behind

like that, every day while going to kill me

without even a meaning, the day is suspended from number play like the ranking of Hanwoo


I just wanted to succeed

the words I tediously heard from others were only that

I thought I could catch the mirage known as happiness

but the me in front of my desk
wasn’t happy even for a moment

without my mom knowing, I put a sheet of white paper between the pages of my workbook


my identity that I wrote down
matched to the drum and bass

a different, relaxed feeling compared to
when I got my report card

even when I was #1 my heart couldn’t relax

is there a need to want the things that others want

rather than living an entire life
while sighing breaths full of han*,

I chose to live a life of stripping away my han
and breathing easily

everyone pointed at me, surrounding the weakened me


my dreams are what gives my voice to everything

no matter what appearance I have,
with my music and lyrics

I don’t know how you’ll be while listening to this, but

even if you curse me, it’s good, because in the end you’ll find me again




yeah, even as 7 years passed,
with a mic worth 50,000 won

still making my mixtape by myself
in one corner of my room


some say I’m fake, okay, I admit it, my dark past

I can justify it, but I won’t,
so that kind of problem won’t happen again

yeah I be real,
in this moment the things that I want the most acutely

the pedal that I stepped on for 7 years has finally been oiled


you can’t kill, come take it if you do wanna piece of me

you can’t kill, come take it if you do wanna piece of me

say it only with music, I don’t need any other field

if you really think you ready to fly with my power

this is what R is about fella the time is now


unbeknownst to others, raise my voice’s volume up

so you can know, so I can reach you

once again, raise my voice’s volume up

so you can know, so I can reach you


unbeknownst to others, raise my voice’s volume up

so you can know, so I can reach you

once again, raise my voice’s volume up

so you can know, so I can reach you



* = “han” ist ein koreanisches Konzept über langanhaltende Trauer und Melancholie


Rap Monster